
姓名: 吕晨
最后学位: 博士
职称: 副教授
导师岗位: 博导
办公室: 212
电话: 65901360
Email: lyu.chen@mail.shufe.edu.cn
上海财经大学信息管理与工程学院计算机科学与技术系副教授,主要研究兴趣包括: 无线安全与隐私,应用密码学, 移动计算安全,区块链等







2010/04- 2016/03 : 博士, 计算机科学与技术, 上海交通大学     

2013/09-2014/09:  联合培养博士 计算机科学, 美国加州大学戴维斯分校

2007/09-2010/03: 硕士, 通信与信息系统, 西安电子科技大学  

2003/09-2007/07: 学士,信息安全, 西安电子科技大学


Google Scholar

  1. Xiaomei Zhang , Chen Lyu *, Zhicai Shi, Dongmei Li, Neal N. Xiong, Chi-Hung Chi. Reliable Multiservice Delivery in Fog-Enabled VANETs: Integrated Misbehavior Detection and Tolerance , IEEE Access, 2019. [SCI] 
  2. Chen Lyu , Xiaomei   Zhang* , Zhiqiang   Liu , Chi-Hung Chi .  Selective Authentication based Geographic Opportunistic Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks for Internet of Things against DoS Attacks , IEEE Access, 2019 [SCI] 
  3. Chen Lyu , Amit Pande, Yuanyuan Zhang, Dawu Gu, Prasant Mohapatra, FastTrust: Fast and Anonymous Spatial-Temporal Trust for Connected Cars on Expressways , in Proceedings of SECON, 2018. (AP=23.2%) [CCF-B,EI] 
  4. Xiaomei Zhang Xiaolei Dong Jie Wu Zhenfu Cao Chen Lyu ,  Fault Activity Aware Service Delivery in Wireless Sensor Networks for Smart Cities . Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Volume 2017, Sep., 2017. [CCF-C, SCI]
  5. Xiaomei Zhang Chi-Hung Chi Chen Lyu Zhijun Fang Xiaolei Dong Qiang Chen Availability Based Multiservice Delivery For Wireless Sensor Networks In Adversarial Environments , in Proceedings of SCC, pp180-187, June 25-30, 2017. [CCF-C, EI]
  6. Chen Lyu , Shi-feng Sun, Yuanyuan Zhang, Amit Pande, Haining Lu, Dawu Gu.  Privacy-preserving data sharing scheme over cloud for social applications . Journal of Network and Computer Applications. Volume 74, pp. 44-55, 2016. [CCF-C SCI]
  7. Chen Lyu , Dawu Gu, Yunze Zeng, Prasant Mohapatra.  PBA: Prediction-Based Authentication for Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communications . IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, vol. 13, no.1, pp.71-83, 2016.  [CCF-A,  SCI]
  8. Chen Lyu , Dawu Gu, Xiaomei Zhang, Shifeng Sun, Yuanyuan Zhang, Amit Pande.  SGOR: Secure and scalable geographic opportunistic routing with received signal strength in WSNs.  Computer Communications, Volume. 59, pp. 37-51, 2015. [CCF-C,  SCI]
  9. Chen Lyu ,  Amit Pande,  Xinlei Wang,  Jindan Zhu, Dawu Gu, Prasant Mohapatra.  CLIP: Continuous Location Integrity and Provenance for Mobile Phones.   Proc. IEEE MASS, pp.172-180, 2015. [CCF-C EI]
  10. Shi-Feng Sun,  Chen Lyu , Dawu Gu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Yanli Ren.  Towards Efficient, Secure, and Fine-Grained Access Control System in MSNs with Flexible Revocations . International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2015, Art. ID 857405, 2015. [SCI]
  11. Bodong Li, Yuanyuan Zhang,  Chen Lyu , JuanruLi, Dawu Gu.  SSG: Sensor Security Guard for Android Smartphones . Proc. CollaborateCom, pp. 221-233, 2015. [CCF-C EI]
  12. Chen Lyu , Dawu Gu, Yuanyuan Zhang, Tingting Lin, Xiaomei Zhang.  Towards Efficient and Secure Geographic Routing Protocol for Hostile Wireless Sensor Networks.  International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, Volume 2013, Art.ID 491973, 2013. [SCI]
  13. Chen Lyu,  Dawu Gu, Xiaomei Zhang, Shifeng Sun, Yinqi Tang.  Efficient, Fast and Scalable Authentication for VANETs . Proc. IEEE WCNC, pp. 1768-1773, 2013. [CCF-C, EI]
  14. Chen Lyu , Dawu Gu, Tingting Lin.  A Secure Geographic Routing Protocol against Internal Attacks in Multi-hop Wireless Networks . Proc. ICITIS, Hangzhou, China, pp. 551-556, 2011. [Best Paper Award]