姓名: |
张耀武 |
职称: | 教授 |
办公室: | 408 |
Email: | zhang.yaowu@mail.shufe.edu.cn |
张耀武,上海财经大学信息管理与工程学院常任教授,数据、算法与工程系系主任。主要从事复杂数据关联分析的统计理论、方法和应用研究,代表性研究成果发表在Annals of Statistics, Biometrika, Journal of Machine Learning Research, Production and Operations Management, Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, NeurIPS, ICML等顶级期刊和会议上。担任杉数科技科学家顾问,为京东、顺丰、华为、南航等多个国内著名企业提供数据分析和供应链管理等技术服务。
2023.07 - 至今 上海财经大学信息管理与工程学院, 教授
2021.07 - 2023.06 上海财经大学信息管理与工程学院, 副教授
2018.02 - 2021.06 上海财经大学信息管理与工程学院, 助理教授
2012.09 - 2017.06 上海财经大学统计与管理学院, 博士, 导师: 朱利平教授
2008.09 - 2012.06 东南大学仪器科学与工程学院, 学士
独立性检验中的维数效应和降维方法研究, 国家自然科学基金, 面上项目(12271331), 2023-2026, 主持
制造循环工业系统(MCIS)供需风险识别与管理机制设计, 国家自然科学基金, 重大项目(72192832), 2022-2026年, 参与
高维数据中的条件非线性相关研究, 国家自然科学基金, 青年科学基金项目(11801349), 2019-2021年, 主持
1. Yaowu Zhang, Yeqing Zhou and Liping Zhu (2024+). Interval quantile correlations with applications to testing high-dimensional quantile effects. Journal of Econometrics, to appear.
2. Yaowu Zhang and Liping Zhu (2024). Projective independence tests in high dimensions: the curses and the cures. Biometrika. 111(3), 1013-1027.
3. Liping Zhu, Yaowu Zhang* and Kai Xu (2018). Measuring and testing for interval quantile dependence. Annals of Statistics. 46, 2683–2710.
4. Yaowu Zhang, Yeqing Zhou and Liping Zhu (2024). A post-screening diagnostic study for ultrahigh dimensional data. Journal of Econometrics, 239(2), 105354.
5. Zizhuo Wang, Chaolin Yang, Hongsong Yuan* and Yaowu Zhang* (2021). Aggregation bias in estimating log-log demand function. Production and Operations Management. 30, 3906-3922.
6. Yeqing Zhou, Yaowu Zhang and Liping Zhu (2022). A projective approach to conditional independence test for dependent processes. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 40, 398-407.
7. Zhanrui Cai, Runze Li and Yaowu Zhang* (2022). A distribution free conditional independence test with applications to causal discovery. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 23, 1-41.
8. Tao Zhang, Yaowu Zhang* and Tingyou Zhou (2023). Statistical insights into HSIC in high dimensions. Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS).
9. Zhimei Li and Yaowu Zhang* (2020). On a projective ensemble approach to two sample test for equality of distributions. International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).
10. Tianxuan Ding, Zhimei Li and Yaowu Zhang* (2025). Testing the equality of distributions using integrated maximum mean discrepancy. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 236, 106246.
11. Yaowu Zhang, Wei Zhong and Liping Zhu (2020). A lack-of-fit test with screening in sufficient dimension reduction. Statistica Sinica. 30, 1971-1993.
12. Jinlin Fan, Yaowu Zhang and Liping Zhu (2022). Independence tests in the presence of measurement errors: an invariance law. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 188, 104818.
13. Yaowu Zhang, Liping Zhu and Yanyuan Ma (2017). Efficient dimension reduction for multivariate response data. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 155, 187-199.
14. 周亭攸, 张耀武* and 朱利平 (2024). 超高维参数单指标模型的拟合优度检验. 中国科学:数学.